Brampton Chinese Baptist ChurchBrampton Chinese Baptist Church
Brampton Chinese Baptist Church
Welcome to BCBC
Verse of the Day
Jan. 15th, 2025

He said to me, "My grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness."
- 2 Corinthians 12:9.

Quote of the Day
Jan. 15th, 2025

"We never truly glory in Him unless we have utterly put off our own glory."
- John Calvin.


Service Times We welcome you to join us as we build our lives together on the solid foundation of Jesus Christ and His Word. This world and its ways are like shifting sand. Only the Lord Jesus can both promise and deliver: "If anyone keeps My word he shall never see death...I am the way, the truth, and the life."
You are invited to our celebration of worship Sunday mornings at 9:30, followed by Sunday School for all ages at 11:00 (English-language only).
Our church also holds a separate Chinese-language service of worship. Please check out our Chinese pages for more details.
Respond to COVID-19
Dear brothers and sisters and friends,
  1. Onsite Sunday Worship Services have fully resumed! You are welcome to join us onsite!
  2. You are also welcome to join us via six ZOOM meeting rooms on Sundays:
    @ 9:30 a.m English Sunday Service(Live stream) (Zoom ID: 686-679-4385; Pw: 12345)
    @ 9:30 a.m Mandarin Sunday School (Zoom ID: 316-885-3202; Pw: 224871)
    @10:00-10:50 a.m. Children Worship (JK-Grade 6) (Live stream) (Zoom ID: 342-014-9901; Pw: 134968)
    @11:00 a.m. Chinese Sunday Service (Live stream) (ZoomI D: 316-885-3202; Pw: 224871 or 686-679-4385; Pw: 12345)
    @11:15 a.m. Youth Sunday School for Grade 7to 9 (Zoom ID: 342-014-9901; Pw: 134968)
    @3:00 p.m. Cantonese Sunday School (Zoom ID: 686-679-4385; Pw: 12345)
  3. Please join in Prayer Meeting:
    Wednesday for Chinese:
    Joint Worship: 7:30 pm Meeting ID: 316-885-3202; Password: 224871
    Pray in Groups: 7:50pm Cantonese: Meeting ID: 521-902-0662; Password: 54321
    Mandarin: Meeting ID: 316-885-3202; Password: 224871
    Thursday for English 7:30 pm: Meeting ID: 521-902-0662; Password: 54321
  4. Sunday Schools and Fellowships also take place in Zoom meeting rooms. Please call church clerk 905 791 2124 ext. 21 for the IDs &passwords.

BCBC Events Calendar
Way to God

© Brampton Chinese Baptist Church